February Promise of Spring

Storm Ciara is currently raging, but a couple of days ago I was basking in warm sunshine, and had a little potter about around the garden. Blossoms are beginning to show their faces. The first (and my favourite) are the snowdrops, and I was so happy to see the bees stocking up on nectar, unperturbed by the nibbled petals. The presence of pollen in her pollen baskets is a welcome sight, as this is important protein for the Spring brood. The hellebores look particularly strong, that pink one is a stunning and welcome blaze of colour. The yellow of forsythia is a bright ray of sunshine in the garden. I was really surprised to see an early clematis in bloom too. A yellow rose and a calendula blossom had also survived the Winter so far. I’m looking forward to seeing how everything recovers after Ciara’s visit, but in the meantime it’s time to close the Winter out and enjoy the warmth indoors.

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