Today we met Andy, the first fisherman of the year not wrapped up in lots of layers to fend off the chill. It was such a beautiful day he was more at risk of a sun tan! Andy told me he was having a great morning, using his new (top secret) bait. He had tried this new bait as his daughter was fond of sorting the maggots into their various colours, and thought something a bit less wriggly would be better. This new bait is definitely more child friendly 🙂 In the few minutes we were there he had one come off the hook, and straight away caught another, as the pictures show.
Winter peace at the pools
The reflections are beautiful today, even though the moorhens, ducks and a couple of seagulls ripple the water. It is so peaceful, I’ll just take a seat and embrace it for a while.
Our first baby of 2019
Welcome to baby Kati, the first baby of the year at Haye Farm. She is particularly welcome as her mum sadly lost her baby last year. Mum and Kati are snug, warm and happy despite the chilly weather. Kati is filling out nicely and becoming stronger and more curious each day. Isn’t she a beauty!
Summer scorcher
On a hot day in June
Today I watched the butterflies dancing amongst the meadow grasses. There’s quite a view from up here in the cherry orchard, and on this very hot day it’s so clear you can see for miles. The sheep are enjoying the shade and I did too, eating cherries as I went, and I caught sight of a blackbird sneaking away with a bit of bright red in its beak. Mrs N told me that years ago her dear husband set up a contraption to disuade the birds from making off with the fruit. In amongst the trees he rigged up a metal device that bashed and clanged, and at its source was a rope at the farmhouse that he pulled vigorously early every morning to make lots of noise! Mrs N was none too happy about the din at that early hour, but it did serve its purpose – and as requested she dilligently pulled away at the rope from time to time during the day. The noise maker has long gone. The birds probably have belly ache from the amount they have eaten now but they have left some for us humans to enjoy. Such a lovely day, such a beautiful view, and shared with the sleepy sheep and the dancing butterflies.
Summer time… and the living is easy.
Well, not all that easy. When your Mamma can’t feed you despite every effort, someone has to lend a hand. In a few weeks little Jade will not need regular bottle feeding, but in the meantime she stays with her Mum for love and companionship – and a special blend of warm milk helps her to thrive.
Spring into Summer
We’ve launched our new website
We have just launched our new website. Featuring on line booking it will work well on all screens including mobiles. We hope you like it!